Country Facts
Continent |
Americas |
Capital |
Managua |
Currency |
Cordoba |
Area |
111800 |

The 2nd stamp in the 2nd row shows Gandhiji with Albert Einstein. This is a rare set of stamps. It has Gold overprints of Russian Spacecrafts. The set of stamps was withdrawn just after issue due to a regime change in Nicaragua, and is thus hard to obtain.
Stamp Facts
Year Of Issue |
1979 |
Occasion |
Albert Einstein's Birth Centenary |
Value |
10 Cordoba |

The above Miniature Sheet is a very unique and rare issue as it had been withdrawn within days of its release. The Top left hand corner features the UNICEF's emblem, as the Year 1979 was declared as the "International Child Year". Also, the Olympic Rings on the bottom left hand corner signify the 1980 Moscow Olympics. The stamp on the left had been recreated into another Miniature Sheet, which too was withdrawn soon after issue. The Gandhi stamp in the Miniature Sheet is valued 15c, while the Gandhi stamp with same design in the stamp set shown above is valued 10c.
Stamp Facts
Year Of Issue |
1979 |
Occasion |
Albert Einstein's Birth Centenary |
Value |
15 Cordoba |
Sayings of Mahatma Gandhi
‘There are seven sins in the world: Wealth without work, Pleasure without conscience, Knowledge without character, Commerce without morality, Science without humanity, Worship without sacrifice and politics without principle.’
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